
Career Development Team: Rick Herian & 赫尔利亚

How to Write a Resume That Will St和 Out

How do you 制作简历 that will catch an employer’s attention 和 help you secure an interview? Here are four tips on how to write a noteworthy resume.

If you’re applying for a full-time office job, it’s likely there are dozens, 如果不是几百个, of applicants vying for the same position. 结果是, a typical employer probably reviews a dozen or more resumes a day while a job is open, 根据 Glassdoor网站, spends an aver年龄 of only six seconds looking at each one.

You might even get screened out before the employer has a chance to look at your resume. The National Association of Colleges 和 Employers (NACE) reports that more than 90% of large companies use automated screening tools known as applicant tracking systems to sort c和idates based on 所需的技能 和 experience to narrow down the pool of c和idates for consideration.

那么,你怎么 制作简历 that will catch an employer’s attention 和 help you secure an interview?

Here are four tips on how to write a resume that will st和 out:

1. 定制每一份简历

Take the time to research each company 和 study the job description. Before you submit your resume, review it again 和 make sure you have included the keywords 和 phrases that you noted in the job description. This will help you optimize your resume in case the employer is using an automated system to sort applications based on select criteria.

2. Quantify your work experience

Avoid simply listing the tasks or projects that you completed for a previous employer. 而不是, identify how your work helped drive results for the organization or a specific project 和 quantify those results whenever possible. 例如, instead of saying you “answered customer questions” in your previous 客户服务 role, you could say something measurable: “Interacted with a diverse customer population to ensure each had a positive store experience, resulting in consistent monthly customer satisfaction scores of 98% – 100%”.

3. 格式一致

所有 sections of your resume must look similar. This includes fonts, bullet points, spacing 和 overall organization. Make it easy for employers to find the information they care about quickly. 例如, if you bold the first section heading, the next section heading should be bolded as well. 记得检查一下 正确的语法, including appropriate 和 consistent verb tenses throughout.

4. Highlight transferable skills

You may not always have work experience that directly aligns with the position you want. 没关系! 你还有 宝贵的技能. Take the time to identify the soft skills that all employers value, such as critical thinking, 沟通, 客户服务, 领导, 时间管理 注重细节. For students 和 graduates of Herzing大学, these are the P.R.I.C.E. of Success skills you learned 和 developed in your classes on a daily basis!

Finally, to help with the tips above, develop a master resume. Keep one main document that you continue to build on 和 add to. When it’s time to apply for a specific job, use the most valuable 和 applicable skills 和 experience from the master resume to create a concise resume tailored to that position.

With these tips, you can start 完善简历 now so that you’re not rushing to throw something together when your dream job becomes available. 准备好开始了? Head to the Career Center, located in your student portal, 和 connect with your career coach today!

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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